Which types of endorsements for Additional Insureds can be processed through the Attune portal?

The BOP product is based off of the ISO BOP, with use of proprietary endorsements to strengthen coverages, providing you with the requisite tools to meet your clients’ needs, while enabling you to compete effectively in the small business marketplace. All coverages are subject to state-specific restrictions and availability. See below for a description of the self-service additional insured endorsements we offer through the portal: 

  • Building Owner - Additional Insured (BP 12 31) Building owner becomes an additional insured with respects to direct physical loss or damage to Scheduled buildings.
  • Co-Owner of Insured Premises (BP 04 11) Co-owner becomes an additional insured with respects to liability associated with Scheduled premise.  
  • Controlling Interest (BP 04 06) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respects to liability arising from their financial control of the Named Insured or the premises they own, maintain or control that is leased or occupied by the Named Insured.
  • Designated Person or Organization (BP 04 48) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respects to liability caused by the Named Insured’s acts or omissions that occur as part of the Named Insured’s business operations or in connection with the premises owned by or rented to the Named Insured. 
  • Lessor of Leased Equipment (BP 04 16) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability arising from the Named Insured’s maintenance, operation or use of leased equipment. 
  • Loss Payable (BP 12 03) A creditor, such as a mortgage holder or trustee, becomes a loss payee.
  • Loss of rental value - Landlord as Designated Payee (BP 05 93) Person or organization is insured for loss of rental value of Scheduled premises. 
  • Managers or Lessors of Premises (BP 04 02) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of the portion of the Scheduled premises leased to the Named Insured. 
  • Mortgage Holder (Declarations) A mortgage holder becomes an additional insured with respect to covered loss or damage to Scheduled buildings or structures. 
  • Mortgagee, Assignee or Receiver (BP 04 09) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability as a mortgagee, assignee, or receiver arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the Scheduled premises by the Named Insured.  
  • Owners or Other Interests From Whom Land Has Been Leased (BP 04 10) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the Scheduled land leased to the Named Insured.  
  • Owners, lessees or contractors - Completed Operations (BP 14 02) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability arising from work performed at the Scheduled location by the Named Insured for the additional insured. 
  • Owners, lessees or contractors - Scheduled Person or Organization (BP 04 50) Person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability caused by the Named Insured’s acts or omissions that occur as part of the Named Insured’s business operations for the additional insured at the Scheduled location(s).  
  • Vendors (BP 04 47) A person or organization becomes an additional insured with respect to liability and property damage arising out of the Named Insured’s Scheduled products.

For guidance on endorsing your policy in the Attune Portal, check out this tutorial

If you need any endorsements that are not listed above, please submit a request here and our Customer Care specialists will be able to assist you! You must provide the requested effective date, account number, policy number, and Endorsement type along with any necessary information regarding the endorsement.

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