How do I endorse an EMPLOYERS®️ policy?

Policy endorsements for EMPLOYERS®️  can be requested at any time by submitting them here. Please include the policy number, effective date of the change, and the endorsement type.

    • Specific endorsements may have additional questions
      • Amending FEIN
        • Was there a change in entity/named insured? If so, provide the new name/entity
        • Was there an ownership change, if so provide the new ownership breakdown (names, titles, %s)
        • Was there a change in ownership?
        • Did the new entity/name maintain 50% or more of the employees?
        • Officer(s) and percentage of ownership?
      • Add/Delete/Change an Additional Named Insured
        • Description of operations?
        • Class code(s) and payroll?
        • Number of employees?
        • Location of operations?
        • FEIN?
        • Officer(s) and percentage of ownership?
      • Amend Named Insured
        • Was there a change in entity/named insured? If so, provide the new name/entity
        • Was there an ownership change, if so provide the new ownership breakdown (names, titles, %s)
        • Was there a change in ownership?
        • Did the new entity/name maintain 50% or more of the employees?
        • Officer(s) and percentage of ownership
      • Adding a New Class Code
        • Annual payroll?
        • Number of employees?
        • What location is this class code under?
      • Adding a New State/Location in a New State
        • Description of operations?
        • Annual payroll?
        • Number of employees?
        • What entity is the new location applicable to?
        • Is this entity legally combinable with our current named insured?
      • Officer Exclusions
  • PLEASE NOTE: The following states are ineligible for Waiver of Subrogation endorsements:
    • Kentucky, New Hampshire, New Jersey

PLEASE NOTE: EMPLOYERS' endorsement processing time currently takes 10 business days for completion. Endorsements are also emailed to the agent directly from Attune when available and mailed to the insured by EMPLOYERS.

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